Research Topics

Research Goal 1. Responsible, fair, and impactful AI for road safety
Doctoral Candidate 1. How to implement justice in AI for road safety?
Doctoral Candidate 2. Explainable AI for road safety: benchmarking AI methods and data

Research Goal 2. Road user assistance
Doctoral Candidate 4. Road user profiling using multimodal data of naturalistic driving databases

Research Goal 3. Proactive infrastructure safety management
Doctoral Candidate 8. Proactive risk mapping and infrastructure safety management
Doctoral Candidate 9. AI for road safety monitoring and crash prediction from micro- to macro levels
Doctoral Candidate 11. AI for proactive safety detection using conflict techniques
Doctoral Candidate 12. Harmonisation and hybrid application of AI datasets for road safety
Doctoral Candidate 13. AI-aided BIM-based design for road infrastructure