DC6. Learning from the whole spectrum of driver behaviour: from unsafe to optimal driving

Hosts: TUD & RHDHV


  • To understand and learn from safety as a spectrum, rather than a dual state (safe vs unsafe), on the basis of the Safety-II concept
  • To identify ‘optimal’ driving behaviours (with respect to different road environment, road users, and driving contexts such as weather
  • conditions and traffic) resulting in the spectrum of road safety
  • To understand the contributing factors and collective impact on the safety of different driver behaviours, including behavioural adaptation and resilient driving

Expected results:

  • Development of a novel theoretical perspective towards the definition of safety as a spectrum
  • Development of a new methodological approach for modelling safety from naturalistic driving data
  • Lessons from driver behavioural adaptation and resilience when managing conflicts in everyday driving, by means of a case-study related to ADAS applications

Planned secondment(s):

  • TNO-NL, Purpose: to review and exploit synergies with existing TNO work on the definition of optimal driving
  • LAB-FR, Purpose: to benefit from international exposure; to conduct a case study related to ADAS taking into account vehicle industry perspectives.